Schilddrüse und Mitochondrien

Helena Rooth Svensson

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What makes the book "Schilddrüse und Mitochondrien" special?

Metabolism - Life Energy - Hormone Control

Today's explosive increase in widespread diseases is not caused by our modern lifestyle alone. Another reason is increased life expectancy, which leads to ageing mitochondria and weak thyroid hormone functions. These declining functions are the cause of the development of most of the diseases that affect middle-aged and especially elderly people.

Many patients report symptoms that, according to their doctor, "do not exist" unless these symptoms can be explained by blood tests or other investigations. Patients are therefore at risk of being referred from one specialist to another within the health system until they have passed through all the different specialties including neurology, internal medicine, orthopaedics, rheumatology and psychiatry.

The material for this book is primarily based on international research on thyroid hormones and mitochondria. The aim has been to try to present the material in such a way that even those who are not medically trained can follow the subject matter in the book. However, some sections require serious scientific grounding.

Source: Excerpt from the preface and blurb

Schilddrüse und Mitochondrien


In this book the author describes how the thyroid hormones T4 and T3 and the mitochondria, the "power plants" of the cells, interact for the development and health of the individual. Various symptoms resulting from the disruption of this interaction can be the cause of serious diseases that affect the ability to work or to actively participate in social life. Interesting case descriptions round off the book.

"Helena Rooth Svensson presents here on a good scientific basis the mechanisms for the development of diseases resulting from reduced energy production in the cells. The book should be included as compulsory in medical education."
Prof. Tore Schersten (1930-2019)

Source: excerpt from the blurb


Helena Rooth Svensson

Softcover edition

140 pages, 26 illustrations


1st edition 2019 German)


German, translated from Swedish


14,8 × 0,8 × 21 cm





Frequently asked questions

Is the book also understandable for laypersons?

The author primarily addresses family doctors, who are usually the first to see patients with unclear symptoms, but at the same time presents the topic in such a way that it is also understandable for laypersons.

Is the author a practising physician?

Yes, Helena Rooth Svensson is a practising family physician, pain therapist and medical expert in Sweden.


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